Treatment Guideline: Transition


acrobat reader logo Clinical Treatment Summary
This form for summarizing an indiviuals treatment history is also available as a Word document.

acrobat reader logo Adult PKU Program Contract
A contract for clients of the Adult PKU Program


Adolescent Autonomy Checklists
Available on the Adolescent Health Transition Project website, these checklists assess skills at home, health care skills, community skills, leisure time skills, and skills for the future. The website has other transition resources as well.

Adolescent Transition Curriculum
A curriculum, developed by the Cristine M. Trahms Program for Phenylketonuria, to help adolescents prepare to independently manage their PKU.

Making the Change: from High Phe to Low Phe. Fink KJ, Trahms CM. University of Washington PKU Clinic, 1993.
A booklet that describes how to change recipes to fit into a low-phe food pattern.

Trahms, C.M. Treating PKU in Adulthood. National PKU News 1997; 8:4-5.

The Essentials of PKU: Information for Young Adults with PKU and Their Significant Others
Answers to common questions about PKU (e.g., What is PKU?, What is the Diet?, How is it monitored?, etc.).