Treatment Guidelines: Pregnancy


acrobat reader logo Phenylketonuria and Pregnancy. Part 2: Pregnancy Management
Summarizes the management guidelines for the Cristine M. Trahms Program for Phenylketonuria. (Brochure is available from the Pacific Northwest Regional Genetics Group



acrobat reader logo Phenylketonuria and Pregnancy. Part 1: General information.
PacNoRGG Genetics Update: A Fact Sheet for Practitioners. 1999. Available from the Pacific Northwest Regional Genetics Group

acrobat reader logo Phenylketonuria and Pregnancy. Part 2: Pregnancy Management
Summarizes the management guidelines for the Cristine M. Trahms Program for Phenylketonuria. (Brochure is available from the Pacific Northwest Regional Genetics Group

Maternal PKU: Choices You Can Live With
A video presenting information about Maternal PKU and the importance of making well-informed decisions prior to pregnancy.

Hall JG. When is careless contraception a form of child abuse? Lessons from maternal phenylketonuria. Journal of Pediatrics 2000; 136(1):12.

Rouse B, Matalon R, Koch R, et al. Maternal Phenylketonuria syndrome: congenital heart defects, microcephaly, and developmental outcomes. Journal of Pediatrics 2000; 136(1): 57.

Trahms CM. Pregnancy complications and special maternal disease conditions. In Worthington-Robers BS and Williams SR, eds. Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation 6th ed. Brown and Benchmark 1997.

Waisbren SE, Hanley W, Levy HL, et al. Outcomes at age four years in offspring of women with maternal Phenylketonuria: the maternal PKU collaborative study. JAMA 2000; 1283(6): 756-762.


Case Study

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