Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers  The National Science Foundation
Materials Camp 2006
Materials Camp


SRD Seminar Series

Materials Camp 2006

Education Opportunities:

  • NUE-UNIQUE SPM WORKSHOP: Nanoscience on the Tip (July 2011). Look for the application in winter of 2011. Visit NUE UNIQUE SPM WORKSHOP homepage for future registration information and course content.
  • Materials Camp 2011 (July 2011). Look for the application in winter of 2011. Visit Materials Camp Home Page for application details and highlights from previous Materials Camp sessions.
  • Research Experience for Teachers (GEMSEC/ASM Teachers Materials Camp) (July 2011). Look for the application in winter of 2011. Visit GEMSEC RET for more details and highlights/selected teaching modules generated from BioNano 2006/2007/2008.
  • NanoInk GEMSEC Workshop at UW (August 3, 2010). Click here for detailed information and to register.
  • Research Experience for Undergraduates. GEMSEC offers reaserch opportunities for highly motivated and commited undergraduates. Visit GEMSEC REU for more details.




Education and Outreach Overview:

Through its educational and outreach activities, GEMSEC will train the workforce of tomorrow who will operate at the boundary of biology, physics, chemistry, engineering and materials sciences. These activities will include:

  • Graduate education (Early Bird Award, MRSEC Graduate Award, etc.)
  • Curriculum Development for UG and Grad
  • Research Experience for High School Students (short term, e.g. Materials Camp, and long term, e.g. quarterly projects)
  • K-12 and Minority Outreach focusing on NW Native Americans (teachers and students)
  • Research Experience for Undergraduates, REU
  • Research Experience for Teachers, RET
  • Industrial Outreach and Collaboration
  • Annual Scientific Workshops

A focused GEMSEC outreach mission is to make an impact on increasing the number of Native Americans in science and engineering education via high school teacher and student participation in Center activities – REU, RET, and Summer Camp.