Remote Research Resources

This page is meant to provide resources for researchers doing remote Phonetics research during this time of COVID-19 and beyond. We hope that these tools will continue to be helpful in accessing difficult to reach communities.

Remote Recording Tools:

-Great for interviews as participants record directly into separate channels.

-No software or download is needed; use in browser and send invitations via email.

-Designed for musicans, this mode provides higher fidelity audio than in the standard mode, using broadband audio.

-Disables echo cancellation and post-processing, eliminates audio compression, and raises the audio codec quality.

Other resources:

-Laptops and video call applications (Zoom, Skype, Teams) made accurate recordings for most vowel data collection.

-Small mobile devices (smartphones and iPads) added some distortion to frequencies between around 750 Hz and 1500 Hz.

Slides from Phonetics Lab presentation (December 4, 2020).

-Created by Marina Oganyan for the UW Phonetics Lab. Log into UW account to access, or email

-PsychoPy is a free cross-platform package that allows you to create experiments for online use, and Pavlovia allows you to host those experiments online.

-A trans-national project on collecting linguistic data during COVID, their goal is to enhance the sharing of knowledge and expertise among early-career researchers in linguistics and language sciences by forming an open working group.

    2011 -    |   University of Washington Department of Linguistics, Box 352425 Seattle, WA 98195-4340   |