
Graduate Students

Jamie Andrus

MA year: 2009

Advisor: Alicia Beckford Wassink

Thesis: A sociophonetic investigation of creaky voice in Pacific Northwest English

Misty Azara

MA year: 2002

Advisor: Richard Wright

Thesis: The role of pitch accent in discourse.

Lesley Carmichael

PhD year: 2005

Advisor: Richard Wright

Dissertation: Situation-based intonation pattern distribution in a corpus of American English

Nicole Chartier

PhD year: 2020

Advisors: Betsy Evans & Alicia Beckford Wassink

Dissertation: Old Stereotypes “Live Free or Die”: Addressing the Evaluation Problem of non-rhoticity in southeastern New Hampshire

Haewon Cho

MA year: 2004

Advisor: Richard Wright

Thesis: Intonation transfer in second language acquisition: An analysis of English intonation by Korean speakers

Emily Curtis

PhD year: 2003

Advisor: Sharon Hargus

Dissertation: Geminate weight: Case studies and formal models.

Valerie Freeman

PhD year: 2015

Advisor: Richard Wright


Dissertation: The phonetics of stance-taking

Lisa Galvin

MA year: 2005

Advisor: Alicia Beckford Wassink

Thesis: Dubliners in Seattle: A sociophonetic analysis of Irish-English in the U.S.

Jessica Geisler

MA year: 2004

Advisor: Richard Wright

Thesis: A conflicting cue study examining the relative strength of consonant transition cues as affected by vowel, noise, and position.

Steven Gianakas

Speech and Hearing Sciences

Advisor: Matthew B. Winn

Research Interests: Speech perception and processing in listeners with cochlear implants and hearing loss.

Jennifer Haywood


Advisor: Richard Wright

Research Interests: Phonetics, phonology, speech perception, language acquisition.

Wendy C. Kempsell Jacinto

PhD year: 2015

Advisor: Alicia Beckford Wassink

Dissertation: Language attitudes and bilingualism in Turkish-German popular film

Soohee Kim

PhD year: 1999

Advisors: Sharon Hargus, Richard Wright

Dissertation: Sub-phonemic duration difference in English /s/ and few-to-many borrowing from English to Korean

Jinyeoun Kwon

MA year: 2005

Advisor: Richard Wright

Thesis: Effects of oral-nasal consonantal contexts on the perception of English consonant contrasts by Korean listeners

Susannah Levi

PhD year: 2004

Advisor: Ellen Kaisse


Dissertation: The representation of underlying glides: A crosslinguistic study

Esther S Le Grezause

PhD year: 2017

Advisor: Richard Wright

Dissertation: Um and uh, the expression of stance in conversational speech

Kathleen A. Manlove (Langr)

PhD year: 2016

Advisor: Barbara Citko

Dissertation: How peripheral a phenomenon is it?: On the interaction of DP-internal ellipsis, degree inversion, and islands

Courtney Mansfield

PhD Year: 2021

Advisor: Gina Levow

Dissertation: ASR and Human Recognition Errors: Predictability and Lexical Factors

Julia Colleen Miller

PhD year: 2013

Advisor: Sharon Hargus

Dissertation: The Phonetics of tone in two dialects of Dane-zaa (Athabaskan)

David Montero

MA year: 2007

Advisor: Richard Wright

Thesis: The Perception of the Acoustic Correlates of Stress: A Cross-linguistic Study on English, French, and Spanish

Steven Moran

PhD year: 2012

Advisors: Emily Bender, Richard Wright

Dissertation: Phonetics Information Base and Lexicon

Anna Moroz

PhD year: 2021

Advisor: Betsy Evans

Dissertation: Exploring Applications of Rootedness in Sociolinguistic Research in Southern Oregon

Kathy Nagle

PhD year: 2014

Advisor: Tanya Eadie

Dissertation: Utility of Perceived Listener Effort as an Outcome Measure for Disordered Speech and Voice

Meghan Oxley

PhD year: 2015

Advisor: Alicia Beckford Wassink


Dissertation: Southern, Texan, or Both?: Southernness and Identity in Deer Park, Texas

Laura Panfili



Advisor: Richard Wright

Dissertation: Cross-Linguistic Acoustic Characteristics of Phonation: A Machine Learning Approach

Stella Podgornik

MA year: 2012

Advisor: Gina Levow

Thesis: Automatic Detection of Language Levels in L2 English Learners

Melissa Preston

MA year: 2003

Advisor: Richard Wright

Thesis: An acoustic study of Turkish vowel harmony

Sarala Puthuval

PhD year: 2017

Advisor: Sharon Hargus


Dissertation: Language maintenance and shift across generations in Inner Mongolia

Leanne Rolston

PhD year: 2021

Advisor: Gina Levow

Dissertation: Dialogical Signals of Stance Taking in Spontaneous Conversation

Lorna Rozelle

PhD year: 2003

Advisor: Sharon Hargus

Dissertation: The structure of Sign Language lexicons: Inventory and distribution of handshape and location

John Riebold

PhD year: 2015

Advisors: Alicia Beckford Wassink & Richard Wright


Dissertation: The Social Distribution of a Regional Change: /æg, ɛg, eg/ in Washington State

Setsuko Shirai

PhD year: 2005

Advisor: Richard Wright

Dissertation: Lexical effects in Japanese vowel reduction

Michael L. Smith


MA year: 2019


Miriam Stone

MA year: 2005

Advisor: Richard Wright

Thesis: Hemispheric lateralization for linguistic intonation: a dichotic listening study

Alice Taff

PhD year: 1998

Advisor: Sharon Hargus

Dissertation: Phonetics and phonology of Unangan (Eastern Aleut) intonation

Rachael Tatman

PhD year: 2017

Advisor: Richard Wright


Dissertation: Modeling the perceptual learning of novel dialect features

Gabriel Webster

PhD year: 2002

Advisor: Richard Wright

Dissertation: Toward a psychologically and computationally adequate model of speech perception

Chih-Chi Wen

MA year: 2003

Advisor: Alicia Beckford Wassink

Thesis: Phonological change in Atayal

Yungdo Yun

PhD year: 2004

Advisor: Ellen Kaisse

Dissertation: Glides and high vowels in Korean

Faculty and Research Associates

Gašper Beguš

Assistant Professor: 2018 - 2020


Research Interests: Experimental and computational phonology, phonetics, sound change, historical linguistics.

Lotus Jo-Fu Lin

Postdoctoral Fellow


University of Washington

Advisor: Patricia Kuhl

Elizabeth McCullough

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Acting Lab Director: 2015 - 2017

Research Interests: Phonetics, foreign accent, regional accent, second language acquisition, first language acquisition.

Ruiqin Miao

Visiting Researcher: 2011 - 2012

Research Interests: phonetics, phonology, second language acquisition, sociolinguistics, bilingualism, Chinese

Matthew Winn

Assistant Professor - Speech and Hearing Sciences

Office: Eagleson 158



Research Interests: Speech perception, listening effort, hearing impairment, psychoacoustics.