Gertrude Hoolihan’s Coleslaw

Adapted from Gourmet magazine, 1987


2 pounds cabbage, shredded
1/3 cup cider vinegar
1/4 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp celery seeds
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
2 tbsp sugar
1/4 cup minced white onion
3/4 cup vegetable oil

In a bowl, whisk together the vinegar, mustard, celery seeds, garlic, salt, pepper, sugar, onion, and oil. Whisk until oil is emulsi­fied. Chill the dressing, covered, for 1 hour. Pour over cabbage and toss the coleslaw until well combined.


Per recipe: 367 mg phe, 10 g protein
Per 1/2 cup serving: 15 mg phe, trace protein

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