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Training Module: Accurately Weighing and Measuring: Technique

Three Components of Accurate Measuring
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2. Three Components of Accurate Measuring

Accurate, calibrated equipment appropriate to the measurements being obtained is required. (Appropriate equipment is addressed in the Accurately Weighing and Measuring: Equipment module.)

There is a deceptive simplicity about the measurement of length or stature and weight. Many measurers believe the procedures to be so straightforward and obvious that they do not require any training to accurately perform the measures. However, standardization exercises have demonstrated that even experienced measurers can be inaccurate or even careless in performing weight and length or stature measurements.

The individual obtaining the measurements must understand the importance of reliable equipment, standardized technique, and the need for reproducible and accurate physical growth data.

Much of pediatric clinical assessment is based on the physical measurement data obtained and plotted on a growth chart. If this information is not reliable because of inadequate equipment, unacceptable technique or recording error, the data may lead to a clinical impression that is in error.

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