Maternal and Child Health Bureau Growth Charts Training







To maximize your learning experience, spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with the modules' interface.

Basic Navigation

Once you enter a module, the following links appear at the top of each page:

Home: returns you to the main MCHB Growth Charts training module Overview page.
Module Intro: returns you to the introductory page for that module.
Table of Contents: takes you to a list of sections contained in that module.
Glossary: takes you to a list of glossary terms.

Underneath the module title is a navigation bar, indicating the total number of sections for the module and the title and number of the current section that the user is on.

What is BMI?
SectionSection 2Section 3Section 4Section 5Section 6Section 7Section 8

You can jump backwards or forwards through a module by clicking on a section number in the top navigation bar.

Section Navigation

Each module is divided into sections.

Each module has been designed along a linear sequence, starting at the first section and continuing through the last. Clicking the 'Next' button at the bottom of the page, or following the interactive exercises, will lead you through a section and on to the next section. Most pages also have a 'Back' button, which will take you to a preassigned page. To return to the page you were just on, use your browser's 'Back' button.


The modules make extensive use of hyperlinks and interactivity.

Text and buttons colored copper are clickable and will reveal information or open a new page. Text colored purple represents clickable links that provide alternative information (such as text only versions of media components) or advisory information. Clicking on mauve-colored citations opens the module's 'References and Resources' page.

Text that is bold purple represents emphasis and is not clickable. Green shading likewise represents emphasis.


Icons are used to draw the user's attention and to signify interactive and multimedia features.


download a printable version of the module
identifies an audio clip
Self-test questions
leads to a self-evaluation page
Read more
identifies additional textual material on a topic
Slide with audio
indicates Powerpoint slides with accompanying audio
View animation and listen to audio
indicates a Flash animation with accompanying audio


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